Thursday, April 15, 2010

Peer Review: Joy's Blog

As I was reading Joy's Blog, I really envied her family and friends because they were fed such a delicious meal! Joy prepared a casserole bake called "Awesome Chicken", turtle cake and green beans. I thought it was great that Joy was able to find all the needed ingredients at home because it definitely saved her the hassle of going to the grocery store. Also, it's always so rewarding to make a meal that everyone loves and enjoys, and she obviously did just that!

Joy disagrees with Michael Pollan's claims that American's have a problem taking pleasure in eating. She says that although she understands that American's are always on the go, there are always still times where they would sit down to enjoy a nice meal with their loved ones. The meal that she made did have a factor in her disagreement because her family along with herself was able to enjoy a meal without having to worry about anything, which is something that Pollan said that Americans are incapable of doing. They were also able to socialize for about an hour as a family. This proves that not all American's are like what Pollan had stated.

A Nations Eating Habits
By David E. Williams

The beginning of this article strongly supports Michael Pollan's claims on American's eating habits. It clearly states that American's barely have the time to sit down for a nice meal which leads to their heavy dependence on take-out, fast food, and easy-to-fix convenience foods. I do agree with most of what it is saying because even based on my busy college schedule, I barely have time to make a meal at my apartment. Therefore, I usually end up eating out with friends. However, it does also state that American's still do eat at home and that it is not always necessarily true that American's have abolished that "eating at home" habit. I really liked this article because it relates so well to Joy's decision toward page 54-55 in In Defense of Food.

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