Saturday, May 1, 2010

Compare two online articles: Should Abortion be Legal?

The article "Reasons Abortion Should Be Illegal" by ChristiaNet states that abortion is considered murder and the disturbing stories of how aborted babies sometime scream as they come out should be enough to stop people from making a bad decision. By understanding the biology of the developing fetus will allow stronger arguments for opponents towards the idea that abortion is murder. There are many untold stories that describe the human characteristics of aborted babies; therefore, women who are not aware of these horrifying stories are still supporting abortion. Abortion will cause lifelong health risks for the mother and with the inclination of healthcare costs, staying healthy should be a very important component in an individual's life. Furthermore, this article mentions that taking 9 months out of a woman's life does not compare to the elimination of 80 years of someone elses.

The article "Should Abortion Be Banned?" by Joe Messerli mentions the many reasons why abortion should not be legal at all. Some of his reasons stated are: abortion is a form of murder, there are already birth controls available so abortion should not be another form of birth control, abortion eliminates legal rights of the unborn child because he/she had no say, and etc. He believes that abortion is a form of murder because when a women feels a kick in her stomach, she doesn't react to it by saying "Oh, the fetus kicked," instead she says "The baby kicked." There is a human being waiting in there to be entered into the world and by aborting it, you are definitely taking away someone's life. Joe also stated that if abortion was never to be an option for people, they wouldn't be so careless of their sex lives in the first place. Everyone in the United States is entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By allowing abortion to be legal, we would be taking away that right from a future American citizen.

I think the second article by Joe Messerli is more convincing than the first because he clearly stated his reasons why abortion should be illegal and also gave very understandable explanations to each reason. He was able to make his point very clear and concise. After reading these two articles, my opinion on this controversial topic definitely has not change. I believe that abortion is wrong when it comes to getting pregnant due to having sex with someone out of your own will. It is taking away the lives of innocent individuals that deserve the right to live. However, I do strongly support abortion if pregnancy occured because of rape. With that said, I think abortion should be legalized to help the women who suffered traumatic incidents.

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