Saturday, May 1, 2010

Peer Response: Carrie Jo's blog

Carrie Jo's post talks about how Queen Latifah has been a great endorser for CoverGirl because she is able to target the correct consumers for CoverGirl products; whether it be mascara, foundation, lipstick, or any other kinds of make-up. Queen Latifah has been such a desired women who has given many people powerful messages to promote beauty.

I do agree with Carrie Jo that Queen Latifah is a women of success and it definitely shows in her advertisements for CoverGirl. She has brought her great success to CoverGirl and shared it within their beauty industry. I really liked Queen Latifah's quote that Carrie Jo posted, "It might sound cliche, but beauty for me really does start on the inside. It's like a state of mind, a state of love, if you will. Then whatever you can do on the outside is all like a bonus." This totally reveals why she is the perfect endorser for CoverGirl. Not only does make-up matter to her but also what comes from the inside and most women today strongly believe that inside beauty matters a lot more. This is able to attract the right target market for CoverGirl products because so many people are in favor of what Queen Latifah believes and stands for.

Using celebrity endorsers effectively

By Brian D. Till
This article relates very well with Carrie Jo's post on celebrity endorsements because it talks about the importance of choosing and using your celebrity endorser effectively. Based on the way you use your endorser, it will determine how consumers make their choice to either stay loyal to your company or lean towards another. Celebrity endorsers can definitely create brand loyalty, promote your products to new consumers who idolize the celebrity used, establish a trust between you and your consumers, and possibly increase your sales.

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